What do we have to do to send a file via Bluetooth from one handset to another?
First, we need to select the file. Then we need to go to a menu where we must chose a sending method (IR or Bluetooth), after this the sender device must search for a Bluetooth enabled handset and once the destination device is selected, we must wait for an approval from the recipient and after all these actions the file will be sent.
And what does Sony Ericsson offer with its new technology? We need to touch a file which we want to send and drug it to the direction of the recipient and wait for a confirmation, that’s all!
With it we can simply drug and drop file from one device to another.
For me it sounds a little bit fantastic, but the fact is that the manufacturer already patented this innovation, which means that soon we will be able to acquire this possibility along with the new phone models (Maybe even with Sony Ericsson P5i? Who knows)
[3:11 AM
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